Friday 14 June 2013

Pin Placement Sheets

Members Please Note - We will be using pin placement sheets from Saturday June 15th through to Finals Day Sunday June 23rd, these will be available daily from the Pro Shop.

The A, B, C, system will be resumed on Wednesday 26th June for the Senior Gents Medal.

Pin Placement Sheet

In the example above - (from left to right)
Green number
Total depth of the green 
The distance of the hole from the front of the green
The distance of the hole (laterally) from the green's closest edge
C = Centre

Thursday 13 June 2013

Plant Growth Regulator

Today the greens received their second application of Plant Growth Regulator (PGR) this season.

The PGR is applied through our Cushman mounted boom sprayer at a rate of 400mil/ per hectare.

The PGR active ingredient is Trinexapac-ethyl and works by redirecting plant growth.

Not only does the PGR inhibit vertical growth, but it actually diverts plant growth downward into the root system.

This helps to produce increased food reserves and lateral stem development, which produces a thicker and more denser turf sward.

The first noticeable difference we find when using PGR’s, is fewer grass clippings, sometimes by up to 50%.

But without doubt the major benefit of a slower growing grass plant leaf, is that surface speeds and quality remain more consistent for longer throughout the day.

Spraying the 15th green