Thursday 18 June 2015

Greens Maintenance Programme 2015

This year we are implementing a number of changes to our greens maintenance programme that our consultant agronomist Jay Dobson has recommended. 

In his last report Mr Dobson was extremely complementary about the condition of the course and was particularly impressed with the improvements to the putting surfaces. In that report it was recommended that we should increase the amount of aeration and sanding and also the timing of these operations, primarily to reduce further the amount of organic matter in the putting surfaces.

Mr Dobson felt that if we could increase the amount of disruptive aeration and double the amount of sand top dressings to 120 tonnes annually, with a target amount of 150 tonnes within three years, the additional maintenance would in time further improve putting surfaces, increase playability and ultimately give us a longer playing season.

Normally, provided ground conditions are suitable the greens are aerated every three to four weeks with a slim 8mm diameter tine. This type of aeration is not disruptive and recovery is normally only a few days. Additional they are hollow cored in the spring with a small 8mm diameter tine and again in the autumn with a 12/14 mm tine.
In the autumn they are also deep tinned with 12mm diameter solid tines to a depth of 200mm. When we use the larger 12/14mm diameter solid and hollow tines, the disruption to the putting surfaces sometimes is considerable, but it does mean we can apply large quantities of sand, which is then worked down into the aeration holes.
Normally we apply approximately 60 tonnes of top dressing sand annually.

This spring as part of our revised programme the greens were hollow cored with 12mm diameter hollow tines and deep tined with 12mm solid tines, 40 tonnes of top dressing sand was also applied.

Although the recovery period was longer than we expected mainly because of the extended cold spring/early summer weather, it was the first time in many years that this type of maintenance work had been carried out on the putting surfaces at this time of year. I am quite confident that as we apply more sand over the next few years that recovery period will be shorter and hopefully less painful.

Our next disruptive aeration and sanding operation begins week commencing July 13th and on this occasion greens 1-8 and 12-18 will be solid tinned with 12 mm diameter tines to a depth of 100mm. Greens 9,10&11 will be hollow cored with 12mm diameter tines to a depth of 75mm.

Aerating & sanding the with 12mm diameter solid tines

Brushing in sand after aeration

In conjunction with the aeration we intend to apply another 40 tonnes of top dressing sand to the putting surfaces.

Because of the enhanced soil temperatures and sunlight at this time of the year we expect recovery within 7/10 days, on greens 9,10&11 the recovery might be slightly longer because we are removing a core/plug.

I have included a short video on why golf courses aerate