Thursday 17 January 2013

Drainage Update - Hole 10

We have now installed 140 mts of new drainage pipe-work and refurbished another 80 mts of existing of drainage tracks.

Two new inspection chambers have also been constructed.

Provided the weather holds, we hope to have completed the final groundworks by the end of the week, ahead of next weeks turf delivery.

Some other facts and figures-

We started the project on December 5th, and have used 55 tonnes of grit and gravel, 35 tonnes of root-zone,  
and when turfing has been completed, 600 m2 of turf will have been used.
Total man-hours 335 hrs, as at January 17th, 

Some pictures taken this week,

Removing thatch contaminated turf alongside the 11th tee. 

Another area top soiled and ready for turf.

Covers going down on next section to be excavated - Very low overnight temperatures forecasted

Excavating the final area - in front of the approach bunker

Groundworks completed

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