Tuesday 20 September 2011

Autumn Maintenance Programme 2011 - Update

Update - September 20th

Last week we commenced our Autumn Maintenance Programme at Murrayfield, all the tees were hollow cored with 12mm diameter tines to a depth of 75mm and top-dressed with sand.
The tees will receive further applications of sand over the next few weeks to ensure that all the aeration holes have been backfilled and to assist in restoring surface levels.

Hollow Coring 5th Tee

This year we are extending the maintenance programme to include greens surrounds and approaches.
Over the years some of these areas have become compacted and others now have significant accumulations of thatch (organic matter).
This week all the approaches will be hollow cored at the same setting as the tees and top-dressed with sand.

Hollow Coring 17th Approach

If time and ground conditions permit, a number of approaches with excessive thatch levels will be hollow cored and top-dressed again in late October. 

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